Hello Again!
Hello friends! I haven’t blogged for awhile, but I’m back now. I’ve been feeling like the deflated lawn decorations in this yard so I thought I’d take a picture to give you a nice visual symbol as you read. I came down with a cold on November 25th, and it quickly turned into a sinus infection, ear infection, and lung infection for which I’ve taken numerous medications and…I’m gradually improving but still not over it. My right ear drum perforated and I’ve been like the auditory processing struggler who says “Huh?” for the past several weeks. I’ve decided to try to get back to some of my regular activities and hope that full recovery will happen ANY DAY NOW. There’s never a good time to be wiped out of commission, but I think the month preceding Christmas was especially inopportune. This is the first year that I’ve ever been unable to get Christmas cards sent before Christmas. I started my gift wrapping the day before Christmas and recruited my family (okay, “coerced” would be a better word) to help with the wrapping and food preparation. Did you know you can wrap gifts for someone with AD/HD while they are in the same room as long as you put a movie on to watch? I did very little shopping other than online, and am very grateful for Amazon’s selection that allowed me to shop from home. When Christmas Day arrived, I felt a bit like Dr. Seuss’s Grinch proclaiming:
“It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags! (Or Christmas cards from the Borings!) ” And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! “Maybe Christmas, ” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”
Well I know that Christmas means a whole lot more, and I hope that my Christmas traditions never overshadow the birth of Christ. How comforting it is to know that nothing I do, or don’t do, can stop Christmas from coming or minimize its gift to mankind in any way.
It was wonderful to spend time with family. Even our rescued dog, Slapshot, did great being in a new place with new people. I used to worry about how my kids would do with the relatives, and this year I was worrying about how the dog would do. He was very subdued and calm, I suspect due to the Christmas sock he had eaten, but he made a very positive impression on his new extended family members. And so, though I coughed through the Christmas season like Dicken’s Tiny Tim, I join him in saying “God Bless Us, Every One!” and may your 2010 be filled with peace and joy.