Melinda L. Boring is a speech/language pathologist, workshop presenter, homeschooling mother, and author. Her experience with distractible and hyperactive children has been developed in both a professional and personal capacity.
Melinda has three children. Two of them have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Her husband was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Melinda has been home schooling her children for over eight years. Her oldest, a son with ADHD, is a strong visual learner, extremely distractible, creative, and exhibits some sensory issues. Her oldest daughter does not appear to have any unusual learning needs or preferences, but enjoys utilizing some of the materials and strategies suggested by Heads Up!. The youngest, a daughter with ADHD, is an exceptionally tactile learner, distractible, musically inclined, and exhibited mild sensory issues when younger.
We chose the name Heads Up for a number of reasons. First, it is a phrase often used to alert someone and direct his or her attention to needed information. We also thank someone for giving us a “heads up” when they alert us to facts or events that are useful and important to know. We also know that when children feel successful, they will hold their heads up and be unafraid to try challenging tasks.
Melinda has sought to be a student of her children, attempting to educate herself in order to be more effective as a parent and teacher. It has been challenging and at times overwhelming. With prayer, determination, and a refusal to give up on her children, she has seen them experience success and develop confidence in many endeavors. Heads Up! is a result of the Boring family?s desire to be a source of practical help and encouragement to others who regularly interact with children with learning differences. Our logo is a salute to all the incredible learners who think and experience life “outside the box”.
Please feel free to contact Melinda if you have any questions.
Hi Melinda,
I am looking for the clock that is the picture above with your kids. I should of bought it from your booth in Cinci and I didn’t. Are you selling stuff now on line?
Roberta Denoyer
Hi Roberta,
The Time Timer can be found on this page:
We are selling online now. Our website has undergone extensive remodeling, but we are working to make it better, easier to use and more helpful.
God’s Grace to you.