I Love Someone With AD/HD

I picked up a button at a conference because it caught my eye as I was walking past. It reads, “I love someone with ADHD”. Having a husband, a son, and a daughter who all share that diagnosis I placed the pin on my nametag to wear for the rest of the conference. In reality, there are many people in my life who have been diagnosed with AD/HD and I do love them. But I thought it would be interesting to see which of my three family members would:
1. Notice the button and actually read it.
2. Ask which “someone” the button represented.
Once again, my family surprised me. They all noticed the button and read its message, though at different times throughout the day. When my husband, Scott, read it he sighed and hugged me. When my son, Josh, read it he grinned and hugged me and said, “I love you too, Mom.” When my daughter, Beckie, read it she beamed with pride and gave me a hug. I guess this means I’m doing something right and my family feels secure in my love for them since they all three assumed the message was about them!

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