I’m Trying!

Beckie and I are working to learn Spanish together. We are using one main program, and supplementing by using more right brain strategies to include visual images and make colorful flashcards to help us with vocabulary words. For example, one of our chosen vocabulary words for today was “el bano” for “the bathroom”. With a little help from my artistic Beckie to help with the drawing part, my flashcard has both the Spanish and English written words on it along with a picture of a man sitting on the toilet playing the banjo. The banjo keeps him modestly covered, and since “banjo” and “bano” (pronounced “bahn-yo”) sound similar it will help me make a connection between the word and the meaning by using that auditory similarity and the visual cue of the picture of the man in a bathroom. Beckie has a good ear for languages, it seems, and she picks it up quickly. For some reason today, she had a hard time pronouncing the Spanish word for “brings”, which is “trae” and is pronounced “trah-ay”. After several models and some struggling, she finally turned to me and said “I’m trah-ing!” instead of “I’m trying!” It’s good that she has a sense of humor as we hammer away at our practice.

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