Can Do Kids Videos from Heads Up Now

Can Do Kids Video, set of four on DVD


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Product Description

These videos are a multi-sensory presentation to aid in memorizing math facts.

One DVD now includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and addition. Each comes with Adobe Acrobat files containing teacher’s guide and a booklet file that includes reproducible pages for written drills and practice. Each math fact “family” (0 through 12) has its own song and movement, and the math sentences are shown across the top of the screen as the Can-Do Kids perform. Math vocabulary is also taught throughout the DVD.

These videos are appropriate for visual, auditory, and tactile-kinesthetic learners. They are excellent for the child who needs to be in motion, since they can exercise with the videos and work on math facts at the same time.

The opening song on each video has the Can-Do Kids singing that they “can do all things through Christ”.

Additional Information

Weight 2 lbs


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