Tuned in to Learning, Vol 3 – Daily Living Skills & Self-Regulation


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Product Description

Tuned in to Learning helps you turn FUN into FUNctional educational outcomes! Inventive songs paired with vibrant visual supports give students a hands-on opportunity to practice core social skills in a motivating way.
Different than typical children’s music, the Tuned in to Learning songs have been customized for special learners, including ample response time, simplified language, and repetition. Especially good for autism spectrum disorders. This comprehensive program integrates evidence-based techniques from the fields of special education, applied behavior analysis,
and music therapy, and gives you the tools to bring students from initial learning, to mastery, and finally generalization.

VOL 3 DAILY LIVING SKILLS & SELF-REGULATION Each targeted task analysis or script is paired with an easy to remember song that is entertaining for a variety of ages, making it fun for students to learn hand washing, hygiene, toothbrushing, toileting, community safety, breathing
techniques, transitions, and appropriate in-seat behavior.
What’s included:
 Full color Learn-Along book featuring real-life photos and large print lyrics for students to follow along with
 Lesson Plans
 Sample IEP Objectives
 Adaptations for students at varying functioning levels
 4-Step Teaching Hierarchy
 Checklists for students to use throughout the week
Music CD with 10 original songs and 6 Adapt-a-Song versions, allowing you to modify songs once students have mastered the initial content .Ideal for ages 3 and up, and appropriate for both individual and group use.

Additional Information

Weight 3 lbs


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